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Bond Associates undertakes a substantial amount of technical training both in the UK and the rest of the world. The vast majority of this training is in the form of seminars or lectures, however we have also prepared E-learning packages for major organisations and we are currently retained to keep the technical content of a large range of e-learning packages up to date.

In broad terms our training divides between seminars/lectures to professional organisations such as Banking Institutes managed by a country's Central Bank (in Jordan and in Egypt for example), or as training providers to worldwide commercial training organisations. In these cases we are typically lecturing to a wide group of individuals who are employees of different organisations, most typically international or local banks or financial services organisations. In contrast we also undertake training assignments for specific commercial organisations, where the attendees are entirely made up of staff from those organisations.

The scope of our training is wide and over the past ten years we have undertaken specialist lectures on the following subjects:

◊ Anti-Money Laundering (often bespoke for particular countries or particular groups of professionals such as internal auditors)
◊ Fraud prevention, detection, investigation and recoveries (typically for banks and financial services organisations)
◊ Capital adequacy and Basle 2 (this has been primarily for banks moving from traditional capital calculations to new models)
◊ Market abuse regulations (in particular within the UK and to investment firms and hedge funds)
◊ Accounting for derivatives and IAS 39
◊ Regulatory compliance for Bankers (primarily Market Conduct, Market Abuse, Conduct of Business Regulations, Financial Crime and AML, Market in Financial Instruments Directive and various areas on Risk and Regulatory Capital)
◊ Risk assessment, mitigation and management for bankers ( primarily, credit risk, operational risk, market risk, foreign exchange risk, commodity position risk, counterparty risk and securities option position risk)
◊ Risk evaluation (organisational structures, evaluation techniques and tools, monitoring processes, control frameworks etc)

The type of audience that we lecture to has also been wide:

◊ Our typical audience has been lectures to professional people within banks and financial services organisations such as insurance companies or investment brokerages and typically to groups of up to 25 attendees.
◊ We have lectured to frontline staff, particularly on anti-money laundering procedures in banks and other financial service companies. We have in addition prepared e-learning packages for this level of staff covering both fraud and AML.
◊ We have provided specific training tailored to the needs of parts of the UK Government including semi-autonomous bodies. This has included specialist lecturing to Country Directors as well as persons responsible for worldwide internal audit.

We have conducted lectures throughout the world:

◊ In the Middle East we regularly lecture at the Institute of Banking Studies in Jordan and the Egyptian Banking Institute both of whom are facilities funded by commercial banks and the country's central bank.
◊ In the Far East we have been lecturing over the last few years both in China and Hong Kong on Anti-Money Laundering procedures.
◊ In South America, Monica Bond has lectured in both Argentina and in Panama for FINCEN, part of the US Treasury on Anti-Money Laundering procedures.
◊ In the UK we have lectured on a full range of topics to a wide audience that has in the past included the Police and Credit Reference Agencies

Recent Lectures/Seminars undertaken:


  • November 2012 - Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering: Prevention, Detection and Recovery in Hong Kong by Monica Bond

  • June 2012 – 3 Day Chairman of Fraud Summit for Euromoney in Hong Kong

  • March 2012 – Guest speaker Association of Certified Fraud Examiners European Conference –“Key strategies in Asset recovery after fraud”

  • February 2012 – Legal webinar on Insolvency

  • February 2012 – Legal webinar on Directors responsibilities

  • February 2012 – 1 day course on Bribery Act 2010 – private client

  • January 2012 - 2 day Course on Money Laundering for the Police and Financial Intelligence Unit of Belize

  • January 2012 – 2 day Course on Money Laundering for the Judiciary in Belize (all Belize judges and magistrates)

  • January 2012 – 2 day course on Money Laundering for Banks in Belize

  • October 2011 – 1 day workshop on Bribery Act 2010

  • October 2011 – 2 day course on Bribery Act 2010 – London (Euromoney UK)

  • September 2011 - 1 day course on Bribery Act 2010 – private client

  • September 2011 – 5 day Fraud school for Euromoney in Hong Kong

  • June 2011 - Legal webinar on Bribery Act 2010

  • June 2011 - 5 day Fraud school for Euromoney in Kuala Lumpur

  • June 2011 - 1 day course on Bribery Act 2010 – private client

  • June 2011 - 1 day course on Bribery Act 2010 – private client

  • May 2011 - Legal webinar on Bribery Act 2010

  • March 2011 - Legal webinar on Bribery Act 2010

  • February 2011 - Legal webinar on Bribery Act audits

  • February 2011 - 1 day course on Bribery Act 2010 – private client

  • February 2011 - Legal webinar on Bribery Act 2010

  • November 2010 – Institute of Banking Studies, Jordan – 5 day course on Fraud and money laundering

  • November 2010 – Anti Money Laundering – Euromoney 4 day course in Singapore

  • August 2010 – Trinidad – 2 day lecture on Bribery and Corruption to Trinidad Integrity Commission

  • August 2010 – Trinidad – Key note speaker at International Financial Crime Symposium (money laundering)

  • June 2010 – Bank of China (Hongkong) – 1 day course to directors & senior mangers on Bank Fraud

  • June 2010 - 5 day Fraud school for Euromoney in Hong Kong

  • January 2010 - 5 day Fraud school for Euromoney in Hong Kong

  • January 2010 – Egyptian Banking Institute – 5 day course on Fraud, Bribery and Corruption


  • June 2012 – 5 day course for Malaysian Inland Revenue Board on tax fraud

  • April 2012 – 1 day course in London on The Bribery Act 2010

  • February 2012 - 1 day course in London on The Bribery Act 2010

  • February 2012 – 2 day fraud course - Bangkok

  • February 2012 – 1 day course on Bribery Act 2010 – private client

  • December 2011 - 1 day course in London on The Bribery Act 2010

  • October 2011 – 2 day fraud course – Kuala Lumpur

  • September 2011 - 1 day course in London on The Bribery Act 2010

  • November 2010 – Institute of Banking Studies, Jordan – 5 day course on Fraud and money laundering

  • November 2010 – 2 day course on Proceeds of Crime and tax investigations for Trinidad Inland Revenue

  • August 2010 – Trinidad – 2 day lecture on Bribery and Corruption to Trinidad Integrity Commission

  • August 2010 – Trinidad – Key note speaker at International Financial Crime Symposium (fraud)

  • January 2010 – Malaysian Anti-Corruption Academy – Fraud prevention & Investigation

  • January 2010 – Egyptian Banking Institute – 5 day course on Fraud, Bribery and Corruption


Lectures/Seminars undertaken from 2008 to 2010

  • 19-22 April 2010 - Hong Kong - Anti-Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering: The New Challenges LINK

  • December 2009 - Kuala Lumpur - Financial Crime Prevention & Anti-Corruption Forum (Malaysion Anti-Corruption Academy) LINK

  • 14 - 17 December 2009 - Shanghai - - Anti-Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering: The New Challenges LINK

  • August 2009 - Singapore - Anti-Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering: The New Challenges

  • March 2009 - Hong Kong Marriott - Anti-Money Laundering

  • February 2009 - Egyptian Banking Institute - Fraud, prevention, detection investigation and recovery

  • December 2008 - Shanghai Intercontinental - Anti-Money Laundering

  • December 2008 - British Council - Anti-fraud procedures

  • October 2008 - Sony UK - Anti-money laundering and anti-fraud procedures

  • July 2008 - Crown Agents - regulatory and legal update in conjunction with Bond Solicitors

  • July 2008 - Generation Investments - Market Abuse and insider trading

  • June 2008 - Institute of Banking Studies, Jordan - Anti-money laundering for bankers

  • March 2008 - Egyptian Banking Institute - Fraud, prevention, detection investigation and recovery

  • February 2008 - London - Anti-money laundering for internal auditors

Delegates at February 2009 course at Egyptian Banking  Institute on Fraud Prevention









In September 1994, Monica Bond was the author of Edition 324 of the Accountants Digest covering "Money Laundering", whilst she was a partner with Grant Thornton. The Accountants Digest was published by Accountancy Books which is an associated part of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. If you wish for a copy of this publication please request it via the email link below.

E-Learning Packages:

In 2009 we provided all the technical content for an E-Learning package prepared for the British Council and covering Fraud detection and prevention. The project included the provision of a detailled on-line anti-fraud manual for the organisation available to staff via their intranet.

In 2009 we reviewed all the existing E-learning packages for a major training organisation based in the UK and brought them up to date so as to reflect the latest legal and regulatory position plus ensuring that they also reflected the most current practice. Modules included:-

♦ Regulations concerning Approved Persons
♦ Financial Crime
♦ Regulation of Financial Promotions
♦ Regulation of Unit Trusts
♦ Regulation of open-ended investment companies
♦ The Patriot Act
♦ Treating customers fairly

Seminars Presented
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